Change it up: daily prompting and whatnot


When i searched for the meaning of the word in today’s daily prompt which was ‘willy-nilly’,what it reminded me of was, well, the daily prompt itself. As I’ve found my passion in writing , I wanted to develop it with the help of this daily prompt since I noticed that I always just write on a whim due to lack of inspiration or even just a gentle push. Henceforth, I wanted to give my writing what it lacked through the use of this daily prompt that generates a random word everyday to help you or rather, prompt you to write about something that is sort of related to the meaning of such a word. I found it really helpful but I also found frustration in myself sometimes for not keeping up with it, like legitimately everyday blogging or daily prompting. I don’t know, there’s just something about feeling obligated to do something that makes me not want to do it, y’know? I’m not blaming this daily prompt or anything but it’s just something that I notice whenever I or someone else implies me to do something repetetively or constantly, Like going to school: I don’t loathe school but one can only take so much of it everyday. The same goes for having everything planned out to the point that you’ve already watched it in your head. It’s somewhat suffocating if I do say so myself.

Nevertheless, I think it shouldn’t stop you from doing what you’re supposed to do , such suffocation should just be an indication to let some fresh air in whilst doing your obligations. Change it up a bit, try something new everyday, do some things unplanned, go willy-nilly every once in a while. I’ve established that I will try my best to daily prompt everyday like what I’m doing right at this very moment but I’m not going to be so rigid about it, if i can’t think of a piece that could arise from a daily prompt then I won’t make a  piece that day or I will just think of another way to write and/or blog that day. Afterall, quality content shouldn’t feel forced or rushed, atleast, for me.

3 thoughts on “Change it up: daily prompting and whatnot

  1. Really well written, I haven’t kept consistency in the writing was just checking the response to the Daily Prompt and then hovered over your blog.
    Do manage something called -To-Do List to submit the Prompt regular daily basis?
    Anyways, good luck keep up the good work.


      1. You’re welcome. I am planning to put that into my To-Do-list so won’t miss any daily post 🙂


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